Friday, May 16, 2014

May meeting

Just nine of us today to learn about body language mainly the signals we giver when shaking hands and the indication of the power of a person when holding the hands palm down while calling instructions. Very useful knowledge. We then watched a Bruno Groening video.
Bruno Groening: Powerful healer with a simple message - his story reminiscent of a modern day Jesus?
Bruno Groening was born in Gdansk, Poland, on May 31, 1906. He moved to Western Germany as a refugee after World War II and became a sensation practically overnight in postwar Germany. It all began in 1949 when Bruno successfully healed a young boy, suffering from muscular dystrophy. Around 5,000 people gathered in front of the Huelsmann family home, and many thousands more gathered in various places after that to hear Groening speak and to receive the power of his spiritualhealing.
During his 53 years of life -- Bruno died in 1959 -- Groening healed many. People had spontaneous healings wherever he was present. Groening's healing powers brought a powerful light into the darkness: in a country where evidence of destruction was rampant, mass gatherings named “armies of the wretched” were said to be transformed. Sick individuals became well again, the suffering and depressed became happy, the lame could suddenly walk again, and the blind would gain their eyesight back. People who had lost all hope gathered around Groening for help, and “what had been unimaginable before was suddenly becoming a reality.”
There was much controversy over this healer, and public opinion varied greatly. Some called Groening a ‘miracle doctor;’ others called him a ‘charlatan.’ He was a humble man with no medical training nor theological education. He was a simple workman  Before the war he had various occupations: carpenter, factory and dock laborer, Post Office worker, and electrician. “”I am not to understand by mind, just by heart,” Groening stated. He helped anyone who asked and refused any kind of payment. He only asked for a written report of the healing.
Groening always insisted that “It is not me who heals; it is the Divine force that helps and heals. This Divine power is free of charge, costs nothing at all and can be used by anybody…. I am not telling you anything new.”
This remarkable healer taught that the human body is constantly embraced by healing waves which only need to be absorbed and that, like batteries, our bodies require this divine energy. When depleted, the body experiences fatigue, exhaustion, nervousness, anxieties and eventually, illness. He constantly talked about the "Divine force," "life force," and "healing stream" – or "Heilstrom," as he termed it -- that anyone can take in very readily. "According to him, no illness is incurable, and this has been confirmed."
(The follwoing is taken from this site.)
Absorbing the Heilstrom  
"In a quiet room, sit on a chair, free of the backrest if possible, both feet on the floor, and open hands palms-up on your thighs. Do not cross legs or arms. Open your heart and mind and ask for the energy to come. Think of something pleasant and positive (i.e. a beautiful landscape, a happy event…) Disengage all negative thoughts -- of illness and worries.
"The Heilstrom moves into the body via our antennas -- our hands, feet and head, and can completely fill it with new energy. Sit and absorb the energy daily, even if for just 15 minutes, for health maintenance and longer for healing.
"Heilstrom generates a “process of purification,” which Groening called Regelungen. A Regelung can last for weeks, months and sometimes years. It depends on how serious the illness is, how far a person can open up to the Divine energy and the influence of surroundings. It may be experienced as pain, tickling in parts of the body, warmth or cold areas, swollen limbs or by emotions. If you need to weep or laugh, then let it happen. These sensations are temporary.
Positive Thoughts Only
"According to reports, once you have absorbed the Heilstrom, it is very important to give up the illness in your mind, and don’t pay any attention to it any more. Most importantly, stop believing in the illness. Focus your complete attention on the healing. Believe that whatever you feel in your body belongs to the healing, not any more to the illness!
"Groening said, 'Thoughts are energies which will come true! If now you take up the firm intent in your mind to regain your health and the belief that this is possible with God’s help, you have built up the right mental attitude for healing to begin.'
"Groening always invited people to convince themselves of the truth, with their own bodies. 'Watch carefully if you feel the Heilstrom, if Regelungen occurs or if you just feel better after regularly taking up the energy.' It is claimed that improvement in all areas of life occur from regular absorption of this Divine energy."
Before his tragic and early death in 1959, Groening helped create groups of people to gather and absorb the healing stream of energy on their own. In 1979, the “Bruno Gröning’s Circle of Friends” was organized. This organization passes on Bruno's teachings; reports of miracle healings of just about any imaginable illness continue to take place. At least 1,200 "Circle of Friends" meet worldwide to absorb and heal from receiving the Heilstrom together.

We finished the session by trying his method of tapping into the divine. We know Eastern philosophy has always assumed the power was self evident calling it Prana or Chi. Mixed feed back some
tuned in and others didn't.

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