Sunday, February 18, 2018

Feb philosophy

Watched 3 short videos on duality stopped for a tea break and a biscuit then read this shortened paper by
Mathew Micheletti
I wanted to go over this topic of the illusion of separation again because it’s the most important thing we could learn and really accept. By understanding and accepting this fact it changes how we view every interaction and relationship in our lives. Therefore, to me it seems to be one of the most important things to grasp.
    Mystics from all various backgrounds have said that we are definitely more than just our bodies. And in fact from a psychology perspective this makes sense, seeing how the ego mind wants us to think we are limited and separate. It indulges and promotes this thinking in order to maintain its control and belief in victimization. And as we’ve learned again and again, ego thinking is the root of all unhappiness through its perceptions of victims and perpetrators, for it is the notion of separation that is the root of all unhappiness.
      The beauty of our time now is that our technology and science has caught up with what masters have been trying to teach us for thousands of years now, that we are all connected and one with All That Is. A quote by David Bohm, an amazing physicist of our time said this in his book Wholeness and the Implicate Order:
It will be ultimately misleading, and indeed wrong, to suppose…that each human being is an independent actuality who interacts with other human beings and with nature. Rather, all these are projections of a single totality.”
Albert Einstein said, in reference to this topic of who we really are:
A human being is part of the whole that we call the universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest- a kind of optical illusion of his consciousness. This illusion is a prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for only the few people nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living things and all of nature.”
     When we think we are just the ego mind, we are denying the limitless powerful being that we really are. Our True Self identity, or Spirit, Higher Self, Buddha nature, Christ consciousness, whatever name you prefer, is greater than we could imagine and is connected to all of the universe. It is omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, intuitive, unconditionally loving, creative, and glorious to say the least. It is our true nature that the ego is keeping from us. It is easy to see that the only way we suffer is by being stuck in ego thinking and it is certainly where all effects of self-doubt, low self-esteem, feelings of worthlessness, and inability to be loved come from.
     The ignorant ego does this by making us believe that we are separate, lacking, and thus powerless. It’s thoughts are that we are ultimately victims of the universe and that everything is “happening” to us. But the truth is that we are the only one’s responsible for our response to life. We are creating our realities everyday in every way and in every moment based on our perceptions and belief systems we adhere to.
    Another concept that scientists uncovered is that we are not even separate when observing someone or something and that in fact the moment we observed anything, we have interacted with it and ‘both’ of us have changed in significant ways. This is astounding to think about, or at least it was to me. This means that our spouse, children, parents, boss, and coworkers are not separate realities acting upon us, neither are all things in nature. We have influenced in various profound ways, how everything responds to us and essentially we are all the same and part of each other anyway, we are ALL one. We are all interacting in an infinitely intricate dance of vibrational energy where all is in perfect harmony and all are having the experience they align with.
     This means that all our happiness and unhappiness we are participating in and creating, there are no victims or perpetrators. Dr. Grayson from Mindful Loving says “Our emotional pain, our rejections, and our deprivations – as well as our moments of happiness and love – are the results of our states of mind rather than an independent reality that is acting upon us.” This is what I was referring to before when I mentioned that our states of mind are under our control and that only we can create our happiness because everything we want is within us and not external.
   What all this must make us start to realize is that our separateness, powerlessness, and victimization must all be a giant illusion. An illusion created by eons of dualistic ego thinking. We can break out of this thinking by becoming conscious, by paying attention to our thoughts, feelings, and speech. They are all parts of our power to create our reality. I will discuss how we create in later posts but for now review these things, understand them, truly realize that we are not separate. Reject all temptations of victimization.
     There are countless experiments that we can do to see how we are all connected and that our thoughts do effect the outside world. First you can think of times when perhaps you call, text, or e-mail someone and they say, oh I was just thinking about you or vice versa. Perhaps you can remember times when you literally call someone at the same time they are calling you. Both of these scenarios have happened to me several times and many other people I know say the same. This is not by coincidence…
       To me this was fascinating, exciting, scary, and overwhelming because it was so absolutely clear to me that we create all the joy and happiness in our relationships. Everything is only the result of our own inner creation. It is clear that thoughts about our significant other is the largest part of how successful and happy the relationship is. Yet in ego thinking it’s always that it’s the other person’s fault. Ego thinking is always victimizing and externalizing why things failed or why we’re unhappy. It’s always seeking to blame and never takes responsibility for itself. It does this because if it were to take responsibility that would be claiming our True Self power… which is the opposite of what it wants. With the gift of consciousness we can perceive the universe unfolding to us as we see fit. Subsequently, some of us will choose to see scarcity and lack and thus respond with fear and selfishness while others will choose to see abundance and eternity and thus respond with service, joy, and peace. There is no right or wrong here, it is just a matter of perspective.