Saturday, July 21, 2012

20th July 2012

Eleven of us today. I was going to show the law of attraction but found another video about a similar practice that predated it by at least two decades. We watched as those attending a seminar were instructed to let go all negative grudges and emotions just as a child who realizes that no one is aware when they hurt themselves dismisses the injury when normally they would be inconsolable.

We accepted that the mind even when producing thoughts that we don't want should be seen as ourselves and accepted. We need to expect the world to react to us as a friend to accept what it offers.
We then read an article of interest.

Beyond the Ego
However, there is a method of healing our inner discord and transcending our insanity: through 'transpersonal' - or spiritual - development. The whole purpose of transpersonal development is to transcend our intensified sense of ego, to blunt its walls of separateness and quieten its chaotic thought-chatter so that we can begin to experience a new sense of inner content and a new sense of connection to the cosmos and to other beings. This is what the practice of meditation aims to do: to generate a state of inner quietness in which the ego fades away. And this is what happens when we dedicate our lives to serving others rather than following our own selfish desires: separateness begins to fall away as we develop a heightened sense of compassion, a shared sense of being with other people and other creatures.
As we transcend the intensified sense of ego, we begin to see the world as a meaningful and harmonious place. We become able to live in the moment and accept ourselves and our lives as they are, without wanting. And we also move beyond the social insanity of warfare and oppression. Since there is no discord inside us, we no longer crave for wealth and power, and now that we are no longer separate, we have the ability to empathise with other beings, and so become incapable of abusing or exploiting them. When the ego is transcended, all of the madness of human behaviour fades away, like the symptoms of a disease which has now been cured. That is the only true sanity, and perhaps the only way in which we can hope to live in peace and harmony on this planet....

We finished by watching a video "Where the hell is Matt" a very inspiring short video.