Sunday, June 11, 2006

June meeting

For this month we looked at Gnosis and the esoteric teachings in most world religions. We then read part of the "In tune with the infinite" The author Ralph Waldo Trine appears to see the world as the kingdom of God in his book. Where God is both transcendent and immanent.

Group meet for the first time.

For introduction we learned that apart from having a successful marriage to give an extra 5 years of life a belief in a philosophy was the next best thing.
Also it enables us to think clearly as this illustration shows.
To counter the argument that killing is always wrong and that therefore capital punishment is just legalised murder. Point out that if the person putting this idea forward can't see that there is a qualitative difference between killing for greed or lust or out of anger or malice and killing out of punishment by a duly appointed legal Authority then by their argument imprisonment should be regarded as legalised kidnapping and fines, legalised theft!

We then discussed metaphysics before going on to our own ideas and beliefs.
Next month Nietzsche or perhaps discuss the book by the American transcendentalist "In tune with the infinite"