Saturday, February 22, 2020

February meeting

Nine of us altogether with one new member. Showed two videos, one very sad a 97 yr old philosopher contemplating his once happy life. But despite his sorrow he still wanted to live. Where before he claimed there was no need to fear death so sure there was nothing after it doubt had set in.
I found the following from searching Google the only change I made was to write unfathomable creator instead of God.

Everything is as it is.
 You’re stuck in traffic, late for an appointment.
Everything is as it is.
 Your friends throw you a wonderful surprise birthday party.
Everything is as it is.
 A beloved pet dies.
Everything is as it is.
 Your business makes a profit 5 years in a row.
Everything is as it is.
 The body ages and soon passes away.
Everything is as it is.
 You, who are the infinite Self, has never been born and will never die.
Everything is as it is.
 I was with my girlfriend recently and we were discussing the time we spent together. I mentioned some things that I wished were different. Being the wise goddess she is, replied, “If the unfathomable creator wanted it different, it would have been different. As it was, it was perfect, because that is exactly how it is.”
How often have I looked to the past and thought, ‘Man, I wished that didn’t happen’ or ‘I wish I would’ve done that differently’? But then I look at what I’ve learned, what I’ve gone through, what I’ve experienced, the places I’ve been, the people I’ve met, and I would not be here, just here, if not for everything that came before. Everything has been perfect, to lead to this place and this time. Because of that perfection, the everything of Now is also perfect.
Of course it can change; anything and everything is always changing. But even that holds inherent perfection.
 There is a cat playing nearby. He bats and swats at a toy, flipping this way and that, wrestling on his back one moment, jumping to his feet and sprinting off in the next. And now, he rests in the corner, completely content with non-play as well.
The thought he should be playing or should be resting, or playing with a different toy is just that, a thought. Paying more attention to thought than to right now masks the inherent perfect Is-ness of this incredible Now. And if you pay attention, you can witness the next one in its perfect beauty.
 Analysis is paralyzing, dampening perception. Worry of the future creates the experience of fear now. Regret or guilt of the past creates depression and anger now. It is the resistance to what is that creates stress. It is the desire for something to be different that creates unease. It is the judgement of right Here, right Now that creates suffering. Hanging on to the projection, hanging on to the emotion deadens the experience of What Is, this priceless, eternal moment.
 Should things be different? How can you possibly know? Have you experienced the fullness of what is happening right now? Be the witness to everything. Life moves. Things come and go. Stuff happens. But the witness remains. Awareness is aware. That’s you. Be exactly as you are and let everything as it is.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Narrator: There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.
There is another theory mentioned, which states that this has already happened

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