important justification to master paying attention is to have
effective communication. This skill requires the ability to stay
present and listen as well as noticing how you are being affected by
listening. When you respond, effective communication requires that
you pay attention and be certain that your thoughts are clear and
make sense. Lastly, effective communication happens when you pay
attention and endeavor to notice how your information is being
received, or not.
In summary
paying attention consciously is essential for:
- Noticing all that is happening. Choosing the most resourceful options. Making intelligent and compassionate decisions. Having effective, clear and powerful communication. Trusting your non-rational inner resources of intuition, inspiration and inner guidance. Discerning what is true or false. Separating facts from fiction and knowing reality from fantasy. Knowing that falsehood, fantasy and hallucinations are produced by your mind. Knowing that observing reality and the apprehension of truth depend on being Self-Aware.