hole: Human beings are currently filled with the mind; there is no
room for life. When you turn it off, you empty yourself, and life
naturally rushes in to fill the void. You become like a black hole,
and life pours into you from every direction. A black hole does not
let anything out; a spiritual being reflects it all back out.
of the universe: When you experience life equally from all
directions, you experience natural life, true life.
become the center of the universe, because that is what you truly
are. The universe is infinite in all directions, so no matter where
you move, you will always remain in the exact center.
may be saying that this is a good way to look at it, but it is more
than that, because it is the truth; it is the only true way to look
at the big picture of life.
I walk, I am not just walking on the street; I am walking through the
center of my own personal universe.
were right; we are at the center of the universe. Galileo, Kepler,
and Copernicus were also right from the mind’s perspective, but
from your own perspective, the only perspective that really matters
to you, you are at the center of the universe, and that is the only
place you can be in an infinite universe.
step: When you realize that you are the center of the infinite
universe and always will be, you realize how special you are. You are
always at the exact center of life. All life that comes to your
center is just for you and no one else. You are living in your own
unique universe where everything is just for you.
with the awareness that you are the center of everything is the first
step people take to becoming a spiritual being. This is because it is
the easiest thing to do. You can do it with your mind the way it is,
and with other people around.
people can do it right away. Try it right now, and you will see it is
true. You will see you really are the center of the universe. You
will see that life really is coming from every direction, and no
matter what you do, that never changes.
have to let it all out instantly, or there is no room for the new
life to come in. The more life you allow in, the more you have to
reflect back out to others. You become completely full of life; your
cup runith over.
John Lennon says in song, “you can radiate everything you are.”
You can be everything and reflect everything to others.
will become the present. You will have presence. Great actors have
what is called stage presence. They become life itself, and the
audience can see it. Movie stars need presence, at least while they
are acting. If you want to see someone living in the present, watch a
movie. Presence is created by living in the present and reflecting
the present to other people.
mind barrier: The very mind that has made seeing the truth possible
is now the only thing preventing us from taking the last step, the
final step in human evolution. People are living as their false,
mortal mind-self, and they should be living as their true, immortal
spiritual-self, or the exact opposite of the way they are living now.
mind is like a door or gate, and the truth is the key to that door.
The truth causes the mind to begin to change its relationship with
you; it turns the mind from your worst enemy to your best friend.
have to turn the key. You have to open the door. No one else can.
mind is no longer you; it is just a small part of you. It is no
longer your master; it is your servant. It has to do the exact
opposite of what it has evolved to do (control). That is why it takes
the truth and some effort to get free of the mind.
is easier to denature plutonium than to denature the evil from the
spirit of man. Albert Einstein
way: You just have to do one thing; learn to recognize what is true
(life) and what is not true (mind). Then give your life to just what
is true. If you do this, the false illusions of the mind will no
longer control your life, and you will be free. Think about it until
you understand the truth completely, and then just do what the truth
life really is that simple, but most people cannot see the truth now.
mind is more powerful than the spirit in this world.
mind is a dominate force: The mind will always infect a person living
clear of the mind. A spiritual person cannot cause a person living in
the mind to stop living in the mind, but a person living in the mind
can cause a spiritual person to activate their mind. The mind is a
form of energy; the spirit is like a void.
spirits are always opposed by mediocre minds.
mind has the upper hand in this world. It is the way it is, so you
have to be alone or with other people that know the truth to live
without the mind. Thus, it will get easier to live clear of mind in
this world as more people learn the truth. Your mind and other minds
will do everything to keep you out of the present and knock you off
the path. Your job is to just let the mind do it, watch it, and see
it for what it is, and it will gradually get weaker. It will get
easier to stay on path.
with less evolved people: Imagine you were the only modern man in a
world filled with cavemen. That is how a spiritual being feels living
with mankind.
craziest people are running the asylum.
beget minds: Schools, family, work, social groups, religions and
political parties are all minds creating other minds in their own
image. Other minds are like an infectious disease; the closer you are
to them, the more they infect your mind. It starts with the closest,
most influential people around you, such as friends, family, and
superiors at work or school.
truth stops violence: The truth makes people happy and secure. Only
unhappy, insecure or fearful people fight. When the truth and life is
revealed to everyone, everyone will be happy and secure, and this
will stop all conflict.
beings could not win in the past, but the times are changing, and
thanks to worldwide communication, spiritual people can win now.
collective unconscious: In the last few generations, we discovered
two invisible forces: electricity and electromagnetic (radio) waves.
No one believed they existed a few hundred years ago. In this
generation, we are going to discover and confirm a new invisible
force that I call the collective unconscious mind. It is the force of
nature, or part of the force of nature, that gives us continuity from
one life to another. Without it, there could be no evolution.
collective unconscious is not alive. It is just a part of our minds,
an extension of our minds, not a separate life form. The collective
unconscious is something like gravity that connects all of us.
Religions call it the Holy Spirit.
extension of knowledge arises from making the unconscious conscious.
Friedrich Nietzsche
other words, when you get your mind out of the way, you become
conscious of what you were not conscious of before. You become
conscious of something beyond the mind. You can make contact with the
universal mind of life.
intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a
leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, the
solution comes to you and you don't know how or why. The truly
valuable thing is the intuition.
The word means “breath of God.” It is where ideas, art, poetry,
movies, philosophy, music, inventions, revelations and all new
creative things come from. It manifests in many ways, such as talent,
intuition and insight.
Intuition and inspiration come from the same place. They are both
manifestations of the collective unconscious. When asked where they
got the idea for something, creative people will say they were
inspired, they dreamed it, it just came to them in a flash, etc. All
new, creative things come from outside our own minds. By definition,
they have to come from outside your mind to be truly new. Paul
McCartney was once asked where his songs come from. He answered: “I
don't know; they seem to come out of the air.”
real music comes to me - the music of the spheres, the music that
surpasses understanding - that has nothing to do with me, cause I'm
just the channel. The only joy for me is for it to be given to me,
and to transcribe it like a medium... those moments are what I live