Saturday, February 19, 2011

18 February 2011

We examined two philosophies today Gurdjieff's and being in the flow. Both have things of value but we all felt that in the flow was far more benefit.

Mr. Gurdjieff was an extraordinary man, a master in the truest sense. His teachings speak to our most essential questions: Who am I? Why am I here? What is the purpose of life, and of human life in particular? As a young man, Gurdjieff relentlessly pursued these questions and became convinced that practical answers lay within ancient traditions. Through many years of searching and practice he discovered answers and then set about putting what he had learned into a form understandable to the Western world. Gurdjieff maintained that, owing to the abnormal conditions of modern life, we no longer function in a harmonious way. He taught that in order to become harmonious, we must develop new faculties—or actualize latent potentialities—through “work on oneself.” He presented his teachings and ideas in three forms: writings, music, and movements which correspond to our intellect, emotions, and physical body

In most activities,one side of the brain usually becomes dominant…however when walking casually without any particular destination,both sides of the brain have a chance to express themselves and this can lead to a more creative experience.
It is not talking but walking that will bring us to heaven. – Matthew Henry
Walking is close to the roots of our being. -Sid
All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking. – Friedrich Nietzsche