On this sunny but cold day one had a cold, another no transport, a third a tummy bug and one so desparate to escape todays philosophy meeting went to Tenerffe to soak up the sunshine and laze on the beach. Two others were otherwise engaged but despite this we went ahead just the four of us and we listened to Michael Hall PHD with very wise advice on how we shoul deal with the world by watching your thoughts and to realize that your thoughts are trivial and not to worry over a projected future and the past that has gone. After a break we read several articles on how to be what we truly are.
One part is this.
Resistance of what is will keep you creating the same situation over and over. If you can love where you are, you are free to move through it. You are open to learn the lessons that are inherent in your current situation. Your mind is open to receive solutions to problems, your heart is open to love, and you step into your personal power by owning your part in creating your life.