Only six of us for today's search for truth of what is. We first looked at how our blind spot is cleverly filled in by the mind. We did this by looking with the left eye closed and the right eye looking at a cross on the left at one point the black circle on the right vanishes.
We then watched a short video of a yoga enthusiast talking about how she found centreing in the moment so powerful.
We then read from a text that was on the same theme. This is its summary.
Your entire life is the result of your own thoughts about YOU, nothing happens by chance, nothing happens by accident. You are functioning in concentrated areas of energy that you are creating to show you who you really and truly are. If you don't like something, then recognize it for what it is and then change it. This physical world should be your play playground, it should be Heaven on Earth and not the hell most people create it and make it out to be for themselves. Do what you want with your own life, but just no longer resist whatever already JUST IS.