Only six of us so instead of the planned progam we discussed the Horizen TV show about exploring the mind. Some interesting experiments were conducted. The investigator reporter's seat of consciousness shifted to another person and different angles while viewing through a minature TV screen direct through a head camera.
Also he was shocked to find technicians analyzing the brain pictures knew 6 seconds before he did as to what decision he made.
Quote "If you change the way you look at things the things that you look at change."
After tea we looked at the following.
"Our basic problem is the identification with ourselves as the 'doer'", he went on to say. "As long as we are identified with the 'doer', we think we have choices in life, chasing pleasures, avoiding pain. We think we are making wrong choices and feel guilty. Or we make choices because we are afraid to live out our own truth. But every action we take is simply a result of our current conditioning and our genetic inheritance. They are all choices based in fear. Do we really have free will?"
"We are free only when we no longer identify with the doer," he went on to say. "Then we become a doing, and life becomes a happening. No longer identified with the doer, we no longer live in fear of making the wrong choices, or that somehow the universe can do us harm. We release our guilts and our fears, and engage spontaneously with life in the present moment."
"To be enlightened is to accept the divine flow as it moves through us without identifying with a personal doer. To be enlightened is to no longer live in fear. To be enlightened is to recognize that there is nothing and no-one to blame for anything we might encounter in life, since everything that happens is part of God's will, divine destiny, and cosmic plan."
"The problem is not with the ego," he emphasized. "We are all subject to the subconscious influences of the personal ego, the psychopath as well as the sage. The difference is that in the case of the enlightened sage the sense of personal doership has been uprooted."
"If we are not the doer", he went on to say, "how can there be karma? Karma is only real for us if we are identified with the physical form, trapped in a world of duality, subject to the wheel of responsibility and consequences. Once beyond this limited identification, we are free to manifest the full power of our divine destiny."
"Once we recognize that we are not the doer, everything changes. Our identity shifts to someplace beyond, we recognize that everything is governed through cosmic law, and therefore there is nothing to resist, nothing to fear. The doer becomes one with the doing, and our destiny unfolds each moment in a spontaneous flow of life."
"A personal 'entity' and enlightenment cannot go together," he concluded. "There is no 'me' or 'you' to seek enlightenment. Indeed, there is no such thing as enlightenment, and to truly grasp this is itself enlightenment!"
Thus, the essence of enlightenment is to understand that I am not the doer, simply a vehicle for doing to happen. If I am not the doer, then 'who' remains to feel guilty, fearful, or judgemental about anything life has to offer?
Our memories of the past, our hopes and fears for the future, all arise from our identity as the doer. Life is meant to be lived in the eternal moment of spontaneous doing birthed in our identity as multi-dimensional consciousness. We become trapped in a world of time, however, once we identify with ourselves as a doer.
We are simply a witness to divinity passing through us, creating itself in each moment fresh from infinitely creative source, according to its own wisdom, its own timing. As we practice shifting our identity from the doer to spontaneous doing, from ego to soul, we realize that it is ALL divine will. This is a perspective that our limited body-mind organism cannot easily grasp. Enlightenment is simply realizing that this has always been true, and not resisting the perfection of what already is!
Ultimately, from this perspective, we realize there is nothing we can do to silence the ego, drop the mind, or gain our enlightenment, because all these attempts to change ourselves come from resisting the perfection of what already is. All we can do is simply to love and understand the perfection of our place within the whole, exactly as we are. As soon as we acknowledge this, the curtain lifts, and we realize that we are not so much the actor on the stage of life, but life itself desiring to express itself in each moment of existence.